We provide a platform where you can thrive and achieve a better you throughout your fitness and yoga journey with us here at 11 Coaching.
Take the worry and confusion out of what to eat, when to eat, and how to eat. Get your meal plans handled for you so keep focusing on your goals.
Exclusive access your coach’s recipes for personalised meal plans and elevated fitness results. Say goodbye to confusion about what and when to eat. Fuel your body with the right nutrients and watch your progress soar! Get the app now for a world of delicious and healthy recipes designed just for you.
I want you to make it to the finish line, so I’m going to help you stay accountable. My team and I will keep you on track and motivated, ensuring success in your journey towards a better you. Don’t keep putting your fitness goals off – make today the day.
With our supportive and engaging community, you’ll have the space to discuss anything and everything related to your fitness journey. Plant yourself in a solid foundation and be part of a community that will keep you growing.
For the longest time, I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do, but I knew I loved helping people learn new things. Growing up as a national level, competitive swimmer, coaching swimming from the age of 16 and continuing onto my Bachelor of Sport and Exercises degree, it became very clear that movement is my thing but teaching is my passion …
… Over the last 10 years I have dedicated my time and energy into understanding the human body across different forms of exercise. Through teaching yoga and discovering strength training, I found a combination of movement that together, transformed my life. I wholeheartedly believe that being able to move our bodies is a privilege. Movement is truly where you meet yourself, where your mind and body connect and where you give yourself the opportunity to look after present you and future you at the same time. Creating a complete and holistic approach to my training, I have found a balance between two movements that not only look after my body but also my mind. Our new platform, 11 coaching, is a place where strength training and yoga come together in a way you’ve never experienced before. I am so excited to be able to share my expertise with you and give you all of the tools and knowledge you need to guide and empower you to become the best version of yourself, physically and emotionally. Love, Jess xx